Discover Sustaining Energy With Our 3rd Party Lab Tested NAD+ Precursor

Ever wonder why you feel less energetic as you age? Is this a natural progression in life that you should just accept it? Find out how NAD+ can help with your age-related pain, injury-prone joints, drop in strength and significantly lowered energy levels. So you can have the freedom, the energy, the mobility and the motivation to do what you want to do regardless of your age.


Custom-Fit© your daily optimal dose of NAD+ so you don't have to second guess

If you are genetically intolerant or overly sensitive to caffeine, now you can enjoy boosted performance at work too.

Improve fat burning and energy efficiency.

Lose fat. Maintain healthy weight.

HPLC and LCMS tested by independent 3rd party lab to ensure you are getting the real deal.

Enrol in our Laboratory Testing to confirm that our product is working for you.

Purchase with confidence as we standby our quality with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

  • NAD+ Energy

    NAD+ works as a transporter, transferring electrons from one molecule to another within cells to carry out essential biochemical reactions. Effectively making it an important redox molecule in many cellular functions. With its molecular counterpart, NADH, this vital molecule acts as an cofactor for enzymes involved in various metabolic pathways such as the Citric Acid Cycles and Oxidative Phosporylation (OXPHOS) that generate our cell’s energy in the form of ATP. Needless to say, without sufficient NAD+ levels, our cells wouldn’t be able to generate any energy to survive and carry out their functions.

  • Other Important Function of NAD+

    NAD+ is a molecule that also facilitates the function of cell-signaling enzymes called sirtuins. These enzymes are crucial for normal functioning, with SIRT1 (there are 7 known sirtuins in human body) being particularly unique. NAD+ is a crucial fuel booster to power the use of sirtuins in our cells. Research has shown that elevated levels of both NAD+ and SIRT can lead to protection from metabolic decline, reduce inflammation, telomeres lengthening, generation of new blood vessels and prevention of chronic diseases related to ageing.

  • You Should Feel MORE Energetic

    Most of what we’ve discussed is tied to the metabolic reactions, sirtuins, and NAD+. This has a direct dependent relationship to how you feel about your energy level. Besides, it has a role in your vital organs, your brain, and even your ability to keep a healthy weight! Taking the right supplement should increase your plasma and tissue level of NAD+ in a dose-dependent manner. You should feel an increase level of energy and better sleep quality in the first 3 days. Otherwise, it is likely that the product does not contain the right NAD+ precursor to begin with. It is also possible that the dosing is not at an optimal level for you. That is why at Eterna Science, our NAD+ specialist will Custom-Fit© the right dose for you when you visit our physical store.

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  • Halal Verification Lab

    Time is of the essence when it comes to health and wellness. The earlier you start taking care of yourself, the more you can freeze the effects of aging on your body. Our supplement is formulated in the United States and contains only the highest-quality ingredients that are Halal certified and approved by the Ministry of Health.

  • Ministry of Health Approved

    So why wait? Start enhancing your health and well-being today with our NAD+ precursor supplement. Experience the difference for yourself and take control of your health and longevity!

  • 3rd Party Lab Tested

    In addition, our supplement is 3rd party lab tested, so you can be assured that you are receiving a product that meets the highest standards of quality and purity. SGS certified our product to be free from heavy metal and bacteria contaminants.